What is it?
The continuous loop monitor, also know as King of hearts or loop monitor, is a procedure to continually monitor and record a patients heart rhythm.
The recorder retains data from five minutes before the button was pressed and continues to record for five minutes after it’s released.
For any patient enquiries please speak to your cardiologist or contact Mildura Cardiology by phone (03) 5023 8111.

Procedure Information
What to bring
+ Any concession cards including Medicare and private heath fund cards.
+ All current medication in its original packaging.
* For all procedures requiring overnight stays, please ensure you bring with you night attire, including dressing gown, non-slip slippers and toiletries.
+ Wear trousers/skirt and short sleeved shirt.
+ Do not use talcum powder or moisturizers on your body on day of test.
+ Please bring a list of your medications when you come in to have this test performed.
+ Bring your request form with you on the day of your test.
+ Generally the device is worn for 5-7 days.
+ You will wear a small recorder around your neck
+ The device is attached to your body via 2 sticky dots.
+ You will be taught how to take the device off when you wish to shower/bath and put it back on afterwards.
+ This device continually monitors your heart but only records when you tell it to, by pressing a button.
+ The device is capable of recording up to 10 patient initiated recordings.
+ You will be asked to keep a diary of the recordings you have made
Post care
+ It is very important to return the diary with the monitor the following day, even if you have not documented any symptoms
+ Please allow three working days for results to be recorded before making a follow up appointment with the referring doctor. Please notify the technician if you have an appointment within three days following procedure. A cardiologist will complete the report