Dr. Manoj N. Obeyesekere
About Dr. Manoj N. Obeyesekere
Dr. Manoj N. Obeyesekere, Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiologist
Dr. Obeyesekere is a clinical expert in diagnosis and management of all forms of cardiac arrhythmias and arrhythmic substrates. He has been well published for original research in many prolific scientific journals and is affiliated with several professional associations including the American Heart Association, The Royal College of Physicians of Australia, The Canadian Cardiovascular Society, The Heart Rhythm Society and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Dr Obeyesekere’s clinical expertise is in diagnosis and management of all forms of cardiac arrhythmias and arrhythmic substrates, including simple (e.g; SVT, Atrial flutter etc) and complex (e.g; AF, VT etc) catheter ablation procedures and implantation of pacemakers, defibrillators and cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Dr Obeyesekere received his MBBS from Monash University, Australia in December 2000. He specialised in cardiology in Melbourne (FRACP 2008) and sub-specialised in cardiac electrophysiology in Melbourne and Canada. He received his fellowship of the Heart Rhythm Society (FHRS 2014) in recognition of advance training, certification and prominence in the field of cardiac arrhythmias.
Dr Obeyesekere operates at both public (Northern Health, Epping) and private hospitals (Cabrini, Epworth, Warringal, The Avenue and Western Private) in Melbourne.
He has a wide research interest and his original research has been published in scientific journals such as Circulation, Heart Rhythm, Circulation Electrophysiology, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, Europace and International Journal of Cardiology.
Dr Obeyesekere is affiliated with several professional associations including the American Heart Association, the Royal College of Physicians of Australia, the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, the Heart Rhythm Society and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.